WOG - Western Oriental Gentlemen的宿寫, 澳洲的Term, 原指六七十年代來指歐洲中及東部的新移民, 大多形容義大利, 黎巴嫩, 埃及, 希臘等中色人種, 跟美國黑人Nigger這個term一樣帶有offensive成份. 直屬上司Russo來自義大利西西利,第二代澳洲移民, 教父的根源地, 據Russo說他在西西利有一個Uncle殺過4個人, 殺人方法每次都一樣, 都係伸出右手跟目標握手, 然後左手從褲袋後面拿出利力, 捅目標腹部多刀, 直至死為止. Russo說他Uncle從不用槍, 因為他要目標看清楚"who he fucked with?"
Russo家家規保守, 重男輕女, 據Russo說, 所有女丁在未嫁之前不能夠獨自出街, 如要出街一定要有長輩陪伴, 即使拍拖都要有長輩相伴, Russo妹妹28歲出嫁, 妹妹在出嫁前從未試過獨自出街. 跟美國傳統保守派的嗜好一樣, Russo愛收藏槍械及打獵. 認為中國人=日本人=印尼人=新加玻人=亞洲人, 從未食過義大利菜以外的食物. 以下是一堆出自Russo的說話:
-同事提起女性朋友因被老公虐打而離婚, 大家都覺得好憤怒, 他說"Whats wrong with that?"
-同事睇了兩次醫生但病都不好, 他說"Is the doctor Indian?"
-每朝開工第一句"Another day in Paradise"
-每日收工前最後一句"Unfortunately, I must leave."
-關於食物"No other food in the world taste better than my mums wood fire pizza, because she uses this ingredient called LOVE"
-關於壽司"What is this shit?"
-關於日本人"Do they eat raw fish every meal?"
-關於外母"I don't want my mother-in-law to look after my kids, because I don't trust her, I only trust my mother."
-妻子來電, 要求伸請Internet, 因為眾朋友中只有她沒有Email因已感到自悲,Russo從電話對妻說"I said No!!Listen, let me ask you a question, do you know how many captains are there on a boat? one. On our boat, I am the captain, so shut up!"
-關於回教徒"Not all Muslim are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim!"
"You call me what?W-what? I will shoot you motherfu....."
one time he made comment about soy milk, he said what is this soy crap? is it imported from Hong Kong, i said to him, have you been to Hong Kong? he said no, I said "keep your comment to yourself"
but most of the time he is nice to me, and he is my mentor
So how he greets?
"Viva Il Duce!!" ?
"an ingredient called LOVE"........ I can think of nothing but secretions.
He says" bonjourno lads"
what is secretions?
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