Feb 6, 2011

The importance of article (a, an, the)

點解愛麗斯夢遊仙境係Alice in Wonderland而唔係Alice in "the" Wonderland或者Alice in "a" Wonderland? Correct me if i am wrong, 我估作者Lewis Carroll目的想convince讀者Wonderland如同一個國家一樣, 真有此地.

話說一次開OT, 公司只剩下老細同我. 電話響起, 接電話的當然係我. 電話係一個First Name叫Muhammad(穆罕默德)的人打黎搵老細, Last Name 唔記得左, but was something weird). 可能係我潛意識種族歧視, 覺得世界有太多恐怖份子=Muslim=穆罕默德. 所以我將電話transfer比老細時, 我話"I have "a" Muhammad wants to talk to you about this job at xxxx."呢個"a"將佢標籤為眾多穆罕默德之中其中一個, 當老細講完電話之後佢同我講"下次你transfer時記住按Hold, 如果唔係人地會聽到我地講野, Muhammad講佢聽到哂."

只有呢個Muhammad打黎我會話"I have "the" Muhammad wants to talk to you", 其他情況應該講全名.

據說一個Muslim的同學從Iran黎, 佢個Visa指明有好幾科唔準讀, 例如Nuclear Engineering, 政府驚佢學有所成回國造原子彈.

1 comment:

鷹 said...

The importance of quantifier (in Cantonese)
