Feb 7, 2011

Steve McQueen

Steve Mcqueen, 卓號"The King of Cool", 70年代初荷李活最貴影星, 因為愛跑車, 愛電單車加上好多電影特技親身演出已得到其稱呼.  小時侯反叛, 加入童黨有搶劫案底, 跟後父關係交惡, 嘗試恐嚇要殺死後父. 17歲參加海軍, 22歲退役學習演戲, 為交acting school學費, 周末賽電單車. 據說Steve McQueen係最原本的Ocean Eleven的其中一員, 可惜因合約問題辭演. Steve McQueen於80年死於肺癌, 死時才50歲.

以下係一部由Dustin Hoffman 同Steve McQueen合演的經典巨著"巴比龍"其中一幕, 話說Steve McQueen被冤枉殺死一馬夫, 被放逐南美坐監, 因屢次逃獄不逐, 被捆黑房時的幻想:

Judge: You know the charge.
McQueen: I'm innocent, I didnt kill that pimp, you couldnt get anything on me, and you framed me
Judge: That is quite true, but your real crime has nothing to do with a pimp's death.
McQueen: Well then, what is it?
Judge: Your is the most terrible crime a human being can commit, I ACCUSE YOU OF A WASTED LIFE!
McQueen: Guilty.
Judge: The penalty of that is DEATH.
McQueen: Guilty, Guilty........

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