Jan 27, 2011


Ghazi Adra

68歲Sydneysider -Ghazi Adra幾日前如常由工廠放工搭火車回家. 跟往日不一樣, Adra先生在火車上拾到一個旅行袋, Ghazi將旅行袋帶返Western Suburb屋企, 之後發現袋內面有五萬蚊美金, instead of having an early retirement, Adra先生將個袋連現金交比警察, 經過一輪調查後, 物件屬於一個亞洲裔女人, 有"合理及私人"理由帶咁多錢出街.

Adra對事件的sentiment"That sort of money would have changed my life but it wasn't mine. If that money was meant for me, it would have come to me in the right way." Andra先生被報章評為"the most honest man in Australia".

"我唔信!! 究竟個袋入面重有D乜係我地唔知?"


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