Dec 28, 2010

Natalie Portman

81年出身於以色列, 猶太人血統.3歲移民美國
12歲拍洛比桑"這個殺手不太冷", 及參與一連串的宣傳工作, 包括上"大衛牙擦蘇"
13歲拍米高曼經典電影"盜火線", 飾演亞爾伯仙奴女兒, 有多場對手戲. 電影有Robert De Niro參與
15歲拍Tim Burton的"Mars Attack"及Woody Allen的"Everyone says I love you"
18歲開始拍星戰Trilogy飾演Queen of Naboo, 同年入讀哈佛大學修心埋學
23歲拍電影"Closer", 及被提名奧斯卡最佳女配角,
24歲"My blueberry nights", 由我地熟悉的王家衛導演
28歲拍"Black Swan", 及用一年時間, 一星期五日, 每日8小時去pick up小時候學過的Ballet, 其間每日只食1200KJ食物, 為角色減二十磅. Note: 一碗家樂士虎虎片有1500KJ.

"Black Swan", Natalie Portman飾演的由以下幾個角色:

- 脆弱, 充滿內心掙扎,又被受保護的女兒
- 舞蹈技術充裕的白天鵝
- 意識形態充滿誘惑的黑天鵝

29歲好可能成為奧斯卡最佳女主角, 唔肯定83年奧斯卡歷史有冇30歲以下的最佳女主角. 不過見到Natalie Portman個resume, 感覺好像她用一把甜美的聲線, 拎住佢個Future奧斯卡獎座在早上床邊對我說" Hey Benny, its time to wake up."  我答" How long have I been sleeping?" 她說" You've been sleeping for 28 years baby", 我答" What the fuck??!" 然後再訓........

Funny, pretty, smart and fast, here is some funny moments on Letterman


KT said...


鷹 said...

No word can express my regard for your "然後再訓" attitude

BEN IP said...

Well.....what can i do?
rape her and go back to sleep?
by the way she got knocked up by her ballet instructor....

鷹 said...

When Gene Hackman was in acting school, he and his mate were voted "The Least Likely To Succeed" by his class.
And his mate, is Dustin Hoffman.

BEN IP said...

I can quite imagine, hoffman and hackman are not like tall and handsome...I wonder if they were asked to make a speech after the brutal nomination.
"Bitches, open up your eyes and you will fucking see, I will be THE SHIT"

鷹 said...

I rather wanna know who was "The Most Likely To Succeed"